Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013 Tuesday Vegging Out

Decided to have a more relaxing day and stay around the condo.  Needed to do some regrouping and laundry. The washer and dryer here is one.  Washes and then switches over to dry by itself and you have various settings to choose to use to dry, it steams the clothes and gets very hot, very hot. So you air dry to complete drying.
While clothes were drying to read and organized our things.  Ashley came home for lunch and we went to a familiar place for a sandwich.

Notice the yellow sign on the right.  This is another Hawker Center where people flock at lunch time.  They are all over the area. The majority of local eating is outside which is nice.   Then Ashley had to go back to work, boy we don't miss those days.  We stopped and picked up milk and bread and then back to finish laundry.  The a/c unit was not working so repairmen came in late afternoon to fix.  All better now that goodness.  Locals like heat, Michiganders do not.  It has not been bad since we have been here, more humid that real hot.  Ashley came home a little after six, we waited for the repairmen to finish and then guess where we went,,,,out to eat...... We took a cab to East Coast Village for dinner. Right along the ocean and we had Chicken, Beef and Pork on skewers, shrimp rice and noodles, veggies, rice cakes.  very good. Grampy loves his Chinese and so does Ashley.  That girl can eat, don't know how she stays so thin.  Exercises a lot with the walking everywhere. 

 Ashley in her cute bunny shirt.  Great picture of Granddaughter and Grandfather.  Very special time

 Walked to the Bedok Jetty overlooking the harbor with all the freighters. Pictures did not come out very well to dark for our camera
 Along the walkway to Jetty we came across the Xtreme Skate Park and Eric would love it here.  This area along the water has everything he would like, bikes, roller blades, skateboards and I think Ashley said it was about 12 miles long.  Parks picnic areas and of course eating establishments all along the way. Just beautiful we want to see it during the daytime.
 Also came across a snail right on the sidewalk during a journey

We then took a cab back to apartment and just relaxed.  A busy day tomorrow, we are flying to Manila to visit with Keith and they are going to go deep sea diving.  Can't wait to see what comes next.  Good Night and love to you all.

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