Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21st Monday in Singapore

Started day early as usual with coffee, snack and computer.  Ashley off to work and we got ready to go to the Singapore Zoo all by ourselves.  Managed the train, had to transfer lines and then get on a bus to the zoo.  No problems, we are seasoned travelers now.  Yeah, believe that I will tell you more.  The zoo was awesome so many different animals, especially the Pandas' and Tigers'.  Spent the entire day there and ate KFC for lunch.  Very different to see that here.

There are many more pictures of the zoo but don't want to bore you with all of them.  It was something you definitely needed to see.  Took the bus and train back to apartment no problems.  Met Ashley and started out to dinner.  PX joined us and we went to another Hawkers for noodles and we had sweet potato, coconut and veggie donuts.  Very yummy.  Then walked back to apartment and crashed.  Just worn out.  What a great day.


  1. Thanks for doing the blog, love to see what you guys are doing! Absolutely love the photos!! Can not imagine how wonderful that zoo was! Can't wait for your adventures tomorrow!
