Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5th  Tuesday

This is the day we would be leaving originally, but we still have 9 full days before we go. Got caught up a little today, but still not very spunky.  Did more wash and read.  Maybe tomorrow we will venture out.

Went to lunch with Ashley's boss Gaj and had a lovely meal at the nicest restaurant away from the bustle of the square around Ashley's apartment.  The place was called
 "True Blue".
 Beautiful flowers out front

Gaj and Claude 
 One of the dining rooms in the restaurant,  Very elegant and quiet.  Never got a good picture of all three of us dining with all our food choices.

  Gaj told us it is original Singaporian food.  We had Red Plum tea, that was delicious, a sweeter taste, with shrimp crackers for starter.  Our meal was Fish Curry, NgoHiong, meat rolls, ChapChye, mixed vegetables, Udang Goreng, Asian Shrimp, Kerabu Jantong Sang, banana heart. Enjoyed another variety of foods.  We chatted about our fun trip for Deb's wedding and talked about the future plans Gaj has.  I didn't know that he could fly a plane.  Would like to start a charter business and fly tourists back and forth from Sydney to the different islands.  Wants to be closer to family and friends, I can certainly understand that.  Being away from people you love is difficult.  He said it had be 10 years working away from home. He also told us about his childhood and what his family went through.  Being around shooting and starvation was not a childhood we are used to.  No wonder life seems so precious to him.  We left the restaurant and we went back to apartment and Gaj went to work.  Love retirement.  
Stayed in, did more laundry.  It started to rain and it came down in buckets.  Good choice to stay in.   Ashley had to work so we had to fix dinner ourselves, oh no.  Had the left over Chicken Parm and it was delicious.   Then went to bed. Another great day.  Miss my Mom and worry about her.  

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