Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 1st Friday  What a life Someone has to do it????? Why not us.........
Read this quote on Facebook today and thought "How True"

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps 

today of its joy. ~ 

Easier said then done, would love not to worry about everything

Got up early, as usual, worked on my blog, emailed family and 

friends, played words with friends, and enjoyed my coffee.  Such a 

peaceful time of my day and so enjoy the early morning.  We had

 another surprise today, another one on one day with Ashley.  She

 was sick again???  We decided that we would do the Riverboat

 Cruise, but all had a few things to do before we left.  Wash, Ashley 

some work at home and Claude watching TV.  What a life. Not 

hard work by any means, just necessary.

We then left around 11 a.m. for the boat ride which left from 

Marina area by the statue of the Merlion, such a beautiful spot.  

Rode down the river, in a bumboat, and saw the beauty that had 

been created with shops, beautiful eating establishments on both 

sides of the river, even a Hooters, Roger, flowers and parks. 

An amusement area with a G-Max Reverse Bungy

Eating establishments along the entire route of River.

Riding in the Bumbat on the Singapore River, Gruesome twosome
Merlion from the bumboat. 

Ashley on the bumboat
Doesn't she look sick

We think these were some of the original cargo bumboats

The view you cannot capture by camera.  The architecture in this area is so magnificent.  No building is the same and you can see all the area no matter where you are looking. 

Buildings painted different colors
 So many bridges and they are all different in design

Sculptures along the river, children jumping into water
                                   Most of the buildings have gardens built into on the top of them.
 I believe this to be the Fullerton Hotel
 The skyline is so pretty 
 They keep it very clean, boats along the river scooping out trash
 Just another design building , with a restaurant along the water

Such a drastic change from what it used to be, a trash receptacle for 

everything until this renovation of Singapore was started. 


After our ride we walked over to the center where Ashley works 

and in one of the buildings is an awesome restaurant on the 33rd 

floor, called by the way, Level 33.  It overlooks the entire Marina 

Bay area and the shipyard, which is the ocean.  Magnificent 

Finally a half decent photo of us.

Ashley and Grampy 


 Enjoyed a very nice buffet lunch, appetizers, salads, main course 

of hamburger for Claude & I, sliced beef for Ashley, and the 
dessert and fruit bar.
The hamburger was huge, must have been close to 3/4 pound. 

Leaving the beautiful view was hard, but we headed for home.  

The ocean view from the restaurant and all the cargo ships

Decided to go into the pool in Ashley’s complex to cool down some 

from our day excursion.  Yep you right, relaxed and then took a 

nap.  But I wasn’t the only one.  What a life, someone has to do it.

Upstairs to apartment to finish our laundry.  Ashley worked on the 

computer and then went for a bike ride.  Her name definitely should 

be the "Energizer Bunny."

Later in the evening we just ate light, Ash cooked egg sandwich for 

them, I had a bowl of cereal. 

Also realized our american coffee can was gone.  We need to go searching for another.

Watched TV, ironed and Ashley was hunting down travel areas for her next adventure during Chinese New Year. 

The best part of the day was sharing another one with Ashley. 

 Goodnight until tom.  

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