Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 12th Tuesday Two Days Left

We are definitely winding down our energy level is very very low.  Just hung around the condo with Ashley and Keith.  Walked to the grocery store, played cards, did some wash and just enjoyed being with each other.  It was a rainy day and not very enticing to go out walking around.  We did get up enough energy to cook dinner.  We have chicken parm and spaghetti.  Ashley got to pound the chicken and she did a fabulous job.  Played cards and went to bed.

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11th Monday  Everything still closed for the holiday 

Well the countdown is coming.  Sat around talking all morning and not getting much down.  I went for a walk and found that the streets were empty - Chinatown area and businesses near the area are all closed.  This holiday is like our Xmas and everything closes, some for two days and some for a week.  
After I came back Claude and I decided we would try and see if the grocery store away from Chinatown was open, which it was, so we got our usual staples, milk, eggs, bread, coke and cookies of course.  We did buy chicken with all intentions of cooking dinner, but we didn't.  Decided to go for another walk with Keith along the river to see the Quay's, the areas along the river when we took the bumboat ride.  Very quaint.  There were more people wandering around this area, but not like it is on a regular Monday.  Came home, cooked eggs for supper, one of our popular meals when we don't like to cook, watched a movie.  Keith and I played Scala and he killed me. Ashley came home and she had had an accident on her bike.  She was all bruised and very sore.  She went head over the handlebars.  Watching closely how she is feeling. Keith decided to go out for a while to a club and he met some people he used to know when he lived here.   Good night to everyone

February 10th Sunday Chinese New Year

Started out New Year's Day in the proper red attire 
Well we didn't celebrate, but Keith and Ashley went out to see the festivities in Chinatown last night.    Lazy start again today, winding down on the tour.  We did walk over to the Waffle Restaurant "Group Therapy" and have a nice very leisure brunch.  

                     Ashley and Grampy had French Ham & Cheese 


Keith and I had waffles and ham

                                        Walked around Chinatown and visited the temple which is only open one day a year on NYE's.  
Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum
 They did a dance to the Buddha

Inside the Temple very hard to capture the gold and glitter 

Went to a chinese restaurant for dinner and had Bacon Fried Rice, Shrimp, green beans and a vegetable dish.  Very good.  Was raining most of the afternoon so we didn't do much.  Went home after dinner and crashed.  Played cards and then off to bed.  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Feburary 9th Saturday  Beginning of festivities

Again we are getting slower and slower.  We planned to take the bus tour around the city but got a late start.  Found out the last bus runs at 3p.m.  Got there at noon and stayed on the first bus the entire trip.  You can get off and see different things at each stop, but we decided we better just do the bus part of the tour.  After bus 1 we stopped and had lunch in the mall of chinese soup, fried chicken and  fried geyoza.  Then got on the second bus for the next tour.  We had seen a lot of the places during the time we were here but wanted to see the whole trip.  

You don't see many single family homes, but this was one we took on the tour.  You can see that the ones who do must have a sizeable bank account.  You can't own your land over here, you have a 99 year lease.  Government owns everything.  Also owing a car is not very reasonable either.  You have to apply to the government and pay a fee to get a car, $50,000 to $80,000 and then you buy the car, $100,000 to 150,000 for an average one.  Unbelievable.  After 10 years your sell the car back to the government and start all over again.  You do see a large number of higher priced car, jaguars, mazaretti's , etc. 
 Ashley and Keith on the tour bus
 This is the Park Royal a new hotel that has just opened and the structure is so different.  Looks like the layers of the earth.
 Keith, Grampy and Gram on the bus, this is what we could afford for transportation
 We got off the bus because it was going to be closer to where we were going and it looked like it was going to rain, which it came down in buckets.  The people were sitting out in the bar area through the rain down pour. They just kept drinking.
Ashley wanted us to see the Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel and they are famous for founding the drink "Singapore Sling." Unfortunately because of the rain it was packed with people and we chose to leave, but did get some peanuts.

This was funny, Ashley is always cold and the temperature is so hot all the time.  She never even uses her a/c except to sleep.  So we were walking through the mall and came across this statue.  Couldn't resist taking a picture of Ashley and her twin brother.

The other thing that is so weird  "Winter Time" stores in Singapore.  I don't think the weather ever gets down past 80 degrees and there is a store with heavy winter jackets and clothing.

We then proceeded to go back to the bungalow and get lazy again.  Picked on food, watched TV and played cards.  Ashley worked out at the gym, Wayne updated us on the storm, while we were playing cards                 

 Claude & I went to bed around 10:30.  Ashley and Keith went out to see the NYE celebration in Chinatown.  End of another perfect day with family. Yes we were the party poopers, did hear the fireworks laying in bed.

February 8th Friday Getting to laid back

Not much get up and go this morning.  Ashley did more wash and Claude and I walked to the grocery store but our usual staples, milk, eggs, bread and coffee plus snacks, and got home and realized we forgot the milk.  Nothing changed, even with a list we forget things.  We did buy a cooked chicken and had it for lunch with a salad.  Ashley did some ironing and we wanted to for Keith and PX.  Px & Ashley cooking dinner.
We had noodle soup with veggies and a  radish ball.  Different from our radish, it is all white inside and out.  Very good but it was a lot of prep work for them.  We ate around 10 and then we crashed around 11.  

PX the Major Chef

The Chef's assistant Ashley
Not much posting today running out of steam
February 7th Thursday Ashley on vacation day

We again were very lazy in getting going.  Just enjoying each other.

Finally got dressed and decided to see what was going on in the shopping area of Orchard Street.  This is a shopping mecca for sure.  All decorated for the New Years Celebration.  Ashley said it comes alive at night and is much busier.  Some many designer shops, but no one ever in them.  Of course, thousands of eating places too.
This is the Marriott right in the center of everything.  
The design of the building is so unique.
Below some of the decorations on the street

We then traveled by train to another area Kampong Glam.  This is a Muslin shopping district where you can buy rugs, muslin clothing and many different types of souvenirs.  There is also a Muslin worship temple that is just beautiful. 
The main street of this area
The Masjid Sultan Mosque
Had to stop and get a Tutti Fruitti yogurt.  Make your own,  it was yummy and we were tired of walking
The shop houses are so elegant the way they are painted.  The homes on the second floor and the businesses on the bottom.  No to buildings are the same.

The main street facing the mosque
One of the secondary streets that are lined with shops

We were tired and decided to take a taxi home.  PX was going to cook supper but was called to a meeting so we crashed.  Just had a fried egg sandwich and watched a movie.  Ashley did more wash and then we went to bed.   Another day of the old folks in Singapore.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6 th Wednesday  Struggling again with energy thing

Woke up with legs craps at 1:30 stayed up with my computer for a little while.  Fell back to sleep and woke up around 7:00.  Finally got the laundry done and ironed.  Played a game of golf cards with Claude.  Ashley called and said she wouldn't be home for lunch, so we decided to go to the store and stop for soup.  We had Wonton with noodle soup, crispy vegetarian spring rolls and deep fried yam cakes.  We ate in the mall at Dim Sum Love next to the cold storage grocery store.  Bought stuff for supper and walked home with our purchases.  Stopped for a bread pudding at the shop across the street from Ashley's.  Yum Yum.  Played some cards, had a nap again and waited for Ashley to come home. Cooked supper one of Ashley's favorite, peppers and sausage, sauteed zucchini and onion, and Grampy made rice.  Fresh bread from our favorite little French bakery.   Has been raining again and some thunder and lightning.  Stayed around the apartment and watch TV and Read.  Good relaxing day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5th  Tuesday

This is the day we would be leaving originally, but we still have 9 full days before we go. Got caught up a little today, but still not very spunky.  Did more wash and read.  Maybe tomorrow we will venture out.

Went to lunch with Ashley's boss Gaj and had a lovely meal at the nicest restaurant away from the bustle of the square around Ashley's apartment.  The place was called
 "True Blue".
 Beautiful flowers out front

Gaj and Claude 
 One of the dining rooms in the restaurant,  Very elegant and quiet.  Never got a good picture of all three of us dining with all our food choices.

  Gaj told us it is original Singaporian food.  We had Red Plum tea, that was delicious, a sweeter taste, with shrimp crackers for starter.  Our meal was Fish Curry, NgoHiong, meat rolls, ChapChye, mixed vegetables, Udang Goreng, Asian Shrimp, Kerabu Jantong Sang, banana heart. Enjoyed another variety of foods.  We chatted about our fun trip for Deb's wedding and talked about the future plans Gaj has.  I didn't know that he could fly a plane.  Would like to start a charter business and fly tourists back and forth from Sydney to the different islands.  Wants to be closer to family and friends, I can certainly understand that.  Being away from people you love is difficult.  He said it had be 10 years working away from home. He also told us about his childhood and what his family went through.  Being around shooting and starvation was not a childhood we are used to.  No wonder life seems so precious to him.  We left the restaurant and we went back to apartment and Gaj went to work.  Love retirement.  
Stayed in, did more laundry.  It started to rain and it came down in buckets.  Good choice to stay in.   Ashley had to work so we had to fix dinner ourselves, oh no.  Had the left over Chicken Parm and it was delicious.   Then went to bed. Another great day.  Miss my Mom and worry about her.  

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4th Monday Back in Singapore

Well as you probably guessed, we vegged out after our trip to Malaysia.  Took showers, read and just relaxed.  Ashley came home for lunch and we went to Sophie's .  Really nice French sandwich shop.  After lunch, Ashley went back to work and we walked to the Cold Storage (grocery store).  Decided to cook dinner, ready to stay home for dinner.  Walked home with our groceries and started organizing supper.  Made Chicken Parm with Spag.  I almost forgot how to cook, it has been a long time with me out of my kitchen.  Came out pretty good.
The gang eating, something we do a lot
Accident after eating, spaghetti sauce everywhere
 Billy Girl getting her exercise while Ashley cleaned her habitat

  Ashley has limited cooking equipment, but I managed to cook and create quite a mess any. After dinner we just watched TV with Ashley and PX.  Very low key night but very much needed for the old folks. Then off to bed.  Great relaxing day.
February 3rd Sunday Malaysia

Awoke at 9 a.m. couldn't believe it.  I guess we were really tired.  Slept well.  Took a shower, woke the girls and headed down to the breakfast buffet.  I couldn't believe all the stuff that they had, something for every nationality.  Naturally they had rice too, but many different types.  The only thing that is hard to find in restaurants is coffee.  It is more like espresso  too strong for us.  Everything else was very good.  We had eggs, pancakes, fruit, bacon the usual American fare, the girls had the Chinese breakfast, which seems a lot like lunch or dinner. 

Our dining room at the resort decorated for Chinese New Year
Grampy enjoying his breakfast

Finished our breakfast we head out and see the fish in the waterway to the exit of resort.  Thousands.  They almost come out of the 
water if you through some bread at them.  They go crazy.

We then went back to the Heritage City Area to continue our tour.
Our first stop was the boat ride down the inland waterway.

 There is a walkway on each side of the river with various shops, restaurants and housing.

 Structures are painted many different colors and designs

This was one of the prettiest

 Bridges are very distinctive and different

 Ashley tried to get a picture of the lizard that was in the water, moving kind of fast.  We were on the boat when she took this.
There is also an amusement park along the waterway
Very creative with colors

We then moved onward to the 

Maritime Museum

This riverside museum's highlight is a replica of Flor De La Mar, a treasure-laden Portuguese galleon which sank off the coast of Melaka. One of the most popular museums in Melaka.

                                       Maritime Museum
Before you enter any of the museums you take your shoes off, when you leave you pick the ones you like. Only kidding.

St. Paul's Hill

There has been a church on this historical site for nearly 500 years. Portuguese, Dutch and British colonists left their mark here. A statue of St. Francis Xavier is located here.

Why are there so many museums in Melaka? I think there are two reasons really. First of all the city (and state) of Melaka, or Malacca, is brimming with history, heritage and culture so they have a lot of great buildings, antiquities and exhibits to show off and display. Secondly Melaka, together with Georgetown Penang, has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2008. In order to stay on UNESCO's list, Melaka has a duty to preserve and maintain its unique historical and cultural heritage. It is not permitted to demolish or significantly modify the appearance of its many historic buildings so the city has to find a use for these valuable buildings. Converting them into museums is a good way of ensuring the heritage buildings are occupied and looked after.

This is something we had not seen before, Ashley and PX stopped for coffee and they serve them in a bag with a straw
They also stopped before we left town for snacks, snacks and more snacks.  I don;t know how these girls stay so slim.  They eat constantly.  Oh How jealous I am. We now head for home.  The road we travel was crazy.  People drive way to fast and it was raining.  Saw many accidents and we were glad to be back home.  
Had a good weekend.  Glad we saw part of Malaysia, but Singapore is much prettier, cleaner and easier to get around.  We then went to bed, we were exhausted.